Present24 S.A. (WSE:P24) agreed to acquire BestPen Domains and B2B Stores Services from Betinv AG for PLN 0.95 million on December 3, 2018. The consideration is payable in the shares of Present24. Present24 will issue 16,038,252 shares to Betinv if the acquired services genearates an operating profit of PLN 0.2 million as well as 6 million Series G shares if it generates a profit of PLN 0.4 million by December 31, 2019. Present24 will acquire the services in Switzerland, Germany, Netherland, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark and United Kingdom. Present24 will delegate to Switzerland the appropriate person responsible for connecting the sites to Present24's infrastructure. Full integration of the services will follow the acquisitions until the end of the second quarter of 2019. The transaction is expected to complete on January 1, 2019. Present24 S.A. (WSE:P24) completed the acquisition of BestPen Domains and B2B Stores Services from Betinv AG on January 2, 2019. The full integration of both of entities will be followed, until the end of the second quarter of 2019.