Fueling Healthy Communities with the Help of Quaker Oats: Powerful Partnerships, Inspiring Role Models and Empowered Youth

When it comes to healthy lifestyles, it's never too early to start. Or so says Quaker in a growing number of family-oriented promotions aimed at promoting healthy living.

"Quaker believes that working with parents, educators and role models to encourage youth to take ownership of their health and wellness at an early age can make a positive impact on their future, said Candace Mueller-Medina, senior director of communications at Quaker.

But it can also make a positive impact on Quaker's future because Quaker continues to build on its 137 year heritage to provide delicious, innovative and nourishing oat-based products that meet the varying needs of the families it serves.

What's one of the best ways to activate the mission to fuel healthy families? For Quaker, it meant elevating a partnership with Fuel Up to Play 60, the nation's largest in-school wellness program.

Created in partnership by the National Football League and National Dairy Council, which was founded by America's dairy farmers, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Fuel Up to Play 60-as in 60 minutes of physical activity a day-is active in more than 73,000 schools across the country.

As a result of the program, last year 14 million students made better food choices by selecting nutritious options like low-fat and fat-free dairy products, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Additionally, 14 million students are getting more physically active because of this program.

That's great news for Quaker, which seeks partners that fit within what the brand calls its "triangle of health - nourishment, physical activity and education. Quaker itself promises nourishment; Fuel Up To Play 60 promotes in-school health and wellness; and the NFL- also a Quaker partner-embodies physical activity, not to mention a rich fan base that closely aligns with Quaker's target of modern moms and their families.

"As the official Hot Cereal Sponsor of the NFL and through our continued partnership with dynamic role models like Andrew Luck [Indianapolis Colts quarterback], Quaker remains dedicated to fueling healthy families for years to come, says Justin Lambeth, chief marketing officer for Quaker.

After announcing Luck as an official spokesman during the 2012 NFL Draft, Quaker called upon him again this fall to help spread the word around the Make Your Move Video Contest, which Quaker created in partnership with Fuel Up to Play 60 as part of the larger Make Your Move campaign to encourage students, teachers, parents and community members to get active.

The contest asked parents and teachers to submit a video of their students that showcases how they get active for the chance to win up to $15,000 in school grants.  The results included smile-inducing videos from classmates across the nation, and a message about the importance of staying active and eating right. Quaker contributed a total of $125,000 in school grants to fund Fuel Up to Play 60 initiatives.

"Andrew Luck is an ideal spokesperson for this partnership and a fantastic role model, said Mueller-Medina. "Quaker was lucky enough to team up with him last year during his rookie season, and we are proud to continue our work together.

Part of that work includes co-branded Quaker and Fuel Up to Play 60 collateral featuring Andrew Luck at retail.

"Combining the star-power of Andrew Luck and the renowned shield of the NFL in our in-store displays and free standing inserts helped Quaker connect with millions of NFL fans

All told, Quaker is a model example of PepsiCo's Performance with Purpose vision to deliver sustained performance with a wide range of food and beverages (from healthy eats to treats), minimizing the impact on the environment and lowering costs through conservation, providing a safe environment for employees, and investing in local communities.

"Business does not operate in a vacuum-it operates under a license from society, said Indra Nooyi, chairman and CEO of PepsiCo, in a letter to stakeholders. "We recognized early that when we transform our business to deliver for our consumers, protect our environment, and invest in our employees-we achieve sustained value. In fact, these actions fuel our financial returns.

"Quaker takes a cue from PepsiCo's Performance with Purpose vision to support the wellbeing of families in the communities we serve, said Mueller-Medina. "From innovative oat products to strategic partners who share in our mission, we believe that what's good for families and good for Quaker should be one and the same.

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