Pursuant to art. 56, clause 1, item 1 of the Law of July 29, 2005 on public offering and the conditions for introducing financial instruments to the organised trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 184, item 1539 with amendments), the Management Board of Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. ("TP S.A", the "Company") informs about a modification to TP S.A.'s broadband investment declaration from the Memorandum of Understanding with the Office of Electronic Communications ('MoU')

TP S.A. and the Regulator agreed on modification of TP's investment obligations:

  • 220,000 out of 340,795 lines remaining in the MoU will be delivered with at least 30Mb/s
  • Deadline for the completion of the 220,000 lines is extended to March 2013
  • The change will not impact the total level of capital expenditures for the MoU

On January 30, 2012 TP S.A. and the President of the Office of Electronic Communications ('UKE') have agreed to modify conditions and schedule of fulfilment of TP S.A.'s investment declaration within the Memorandum of Understanding between TP S.A. and UKE, signed on October 22, 2009 (described in current report 135/2009).

TP S.A. has committed itself to ensure availability of services with capacity of at least 30Mb/s for 220,000 lines out of the 340,795 lines remaining to be invested in based on the Memorandum of Understanding with UKE from 2009. As a consequence, due to a necessary replaning of investment tasks, the schedule for realisation of the aforementioned 220,000 lines has been extended and they can be completed until March 31, 2013, unless unfavourable weather conditions would cause additional arrangements between Parties.

TP S.A.'s Management expects that this modification will not impact the total level of capital expenditures for realisation of investments declared in the Memorandum of Understanding with UKE, with some postponements possible from 2012 to 2013. Furthermore it will allow TP S.A. time needed to invest into attractive speed options and technologies, including VDSL, thus also supporting realisation of the European Digital Agenda in Poland

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