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(Stock Code: 302) Trading Halt

The board of directors of Wing Hang Bank, Limited (the "Bank") announces that, at the request of the Bank, trading in the shares of the Bank on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited have been halted with effect from 11:39 a.m. on 6 January 2014 pending the release of an announcement pursuant to the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers.

By Order of the Board Wing Hang Bank, Limited LEUNG Chiu Wah Company Secretary

Hong Kong, 6 January 2014

As at the date of this announcement, the Board of the Bank comprises:

Executive directors

Dr FUNG Yuk Bun Patrick JP (Chairman & Chief Executive) Mr Frank John WANG (Deputy Chief Executive)

Mr FUNG Yuk Sing Michael

Non-executive directors

Mr HO Chi Wai Louis

Mr Stephen Dubois LACKEY Mr Brian Gerard ROGAN

Independent non-executive directors


Mr LAU Hon Chuen Ambrose GBS, JP Mr LI Sze Kuen Billy

Mr TSE Hau Yin Aloysius

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