The nomination committee in Nordic Iron Ore AB (publ) has decided to propose, to the Annual General Meeting 2023, the election of the following Board members: Bengt Nilsson (Chairman), Jonas Bengtsson, Tomas Olofsson, Gösta Bergman and Tobias Hansson.

The nomination committee proposes, for the time up until the next Annual General Meeting, the re-election of Board members Jonas Bengtsson, Tomas Olofsson and Gösta Bergman, and new election of Bengt Nilsson as Chairman and Tobias Hansson as Board member. Timo Lindborg has declined re-election.

Bengt Nilsson has almost 30 years’ leadership experience from the Swedish steel industry. Among other positions, Bengt has been CEO of Åkers Group and Managing Director in SSAB Oxelösund. Bengt has also been CEO of Edsbyn Senab which operates in the furniture and interior design business.

Tobias Hansson is currently CEO for Hitachi Energy Sweden. Tobias has more than 20 years’ experience from different positions in ABB, most recently as Senior Vice President, Power Transformers in Europe. Tobias is currently also Board member in Hitachi Energy Sweden, Teknikföretagen and Luleå University of Technology among others.

Information on existing Board members proposed for re-election is available on the company’s website,

The Annual General Meeting will take place on June 12, 2023.

For more information, please contact:
Ronne Hamerslag
Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: +46 (0)240 88 301

About Nordic Iron Ore
Nordic Iron Ore Group is a mining company with the ambition to revive and develop the iron ore production in the Ludvika area, with Blötberget being the first phase. The company also intends to expand its mineral resources, and upgrade them to ore reserves, primarily through exploration and other studies of the connecting Väsman field and Håksberg. The Company has all the necessary permits in place for the mine in Blötberget and will be able to produce iron ore of very high quality.

For more information, see

Nordic Iron Ore’s shares and warrants are listed at Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Wildeco is the company’s Certified Adviser ( tel +46-8-545 271 00)

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