The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Nordea Bank AB (publ) (Nordea) will be held
on Thursday 25 March 2010 at 13.00 at Aula Magna, Stockholm University, in
Stockholm. The board of directors proposes an amendment to the articles of
association regarding the way general meetings are convened, authorisation for
acquisition and conveyance of own shares, guidelines for remuneration to the
executive officers and a Long Term Incentive Programme.

The Board's proposals to the AGM
Amendment to the articles of association

The board of directors proposes that article 10 of the articles of association
be amended so that notice to attend the general meeting must be given by
advertisement in the Swedish Official Gazette and on the company's web site.
That the notice has been given must be advertised in Dagens Nyheter. The
resolution to amend the articles of association is conditional on that an
amendment regarding the way general meetings are convened in the Swedish
Companies Act has entered into force and that the amendment means that the
proposed wording of article 10 is consistent with the Swedish Companies Act.
Acquisition and conveyance of own shares

In order to facilitate an adjustment of the company's capital structure to
prevailing capital requirements and to facilitate the use of own shares as
payment for or financing of acquisition of companies or businesses, the board of
directors proposes that the AGM authorises the board to repurchase own ordinary
shares on a regulated market where the company's ordinary shares are quoted, or
according to an acquisition offer to all of the company's owners of ordinary
shares. Nordea's holdings of own shares may not at any time exceed ten per cent
of the total number of shares in the company. Acquisition of shares on a
regulated market may only take place within the registered price interval at any
time, meaning the interval between the highest buying price and the lowest
selling price. Acquisition of ordinary shares according to an acquisition offer
to all shareholders may take place at a premium of up to 30 per cent.

The board of directors proposes that the AGM authorises the board of directors
to convey own ordinary shares to be used as payment for or financing of
acquisitions of companies or businesses. Conveyance is to be carried out by
other means than on a regulated market. Conveyance shall take place at an
assessed market value and may take place with deviations from the shareholders'
preferential right. Payment for conveyed ordinary shares may be made in cash, by
contribution in kind, or through sett-off of claims against the company.
Acquisition of own shares within securities operations

The board of directors proposes that Nordea may continuously acquire own
ordinary shares in order to facilitate its securities operations. The holdings
of such shares may not exceed one per cent of all shares in the company.
Guidelines for remuneration to the executive officers

A proposal in respect of guidelines for remuneration to the executive officers
(the CEO and the members of Group Executive Management) is to be presented to
the AGM by the board of directors. It is proposed that Nordea shall maintain
remuneration levels and other employment conditions needed to recruit and retain
executive officers with competence and capacity to deliver according to Nordea's
short and long term targets. Remuneration of executive officers will be decided
by the board of directors in accordance with Nordea's internal policies and
procedures, which are based on the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority's
(SFSA) regulations and general guidelines on remuneration policy as well as
international sound compensation practices. In this context, the principles
established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and the European Commission
are of particular importance.

Salaries and other remuneration in line with market levels is the overriding
principle for compensation to the executive officers. Compensation to the
executive officers shall be consistent with and promote sound and effective risk
management and not encourage excessive risk-taking or counteract Nordea's long
term interests.

Fixed salary is paid for fully satisfactory performance. In addition variable
salary part can be offered to reward performance meeting agreed predetermined
targets on Group, business unit and individual level. The effect on the long
term result is to be considered when determining the targets. The variable
salary part shall as a general rule not exceed 35 per cent of a fixed salary. In
accordance with international principles guaranteed variable salary part is to
be exceptional and may only occur in the context of hiring a new executive
officer and then be limited to the first year. A major part of the variable
salary part shall be deferred with a minimum deferment period and with claw back
clauses according to the SFSA's regulations and general guidelines on
remuneration policy taking account of domestic rules and practices where

A Long Term Incentive Programme is proposed. The programme, which is share- and
performance-based, has performance measuring over three years, a cap and
requires an initial investment by the participants. According to the programme
the remuneration is proposed to be given in the form of matching and performance
shares free of charge. If the Long Term Incentive Programme is not approved the
variable salary part may be increased and shall as a general rule not exceed 50
per cent of fixed salary. Non-monetary benefits are given as a means to
facilitate executive officers' performance and are determined by what is
considered fair in relation to general market practice. Retirement benefits
shall be offered in accordance with market practice in the country where the
officers are permanent residents. Notice and severance pay in total shall not
exceed 24 months' of fixed salary.

Proposal from the Swedish state: Nordea shall maintain remuneration levels and
other conditions required to recruit and retain executive officers with
competence and capacity to deliver according to Nordea's short and long term
targets. The executive officers will not be able to receive a short term
variable salary, neither will they be able to participate in the long term
incentive programme. With this exception, the proposal of the state is in
accordance with that from the board.
Long Term Incentive Programme to retain and recruit the best talent

The board proposes a long term incentive programme 2010 (Long Term Incentive
Programme) ("LTIP 2010") which, like the programmes introduced in the years
2007, 2008 and 2009 ("LTIP 2007", "LTIP 2008" and "LTIP 2009") aims at
strengthening Nordea's ability to retain and attract the best talents for key
leadership positions. Further, the aim is that the managers and key employees
whose efforts have direct impact on Nordea's result, profitability and long term
value growth, shall be stimulated to increased efforts by aligning their
interests and perspectives with those of the shareholders.

LTIP 2010 is based on similar principles as the previous programmes and also
comprising up to 400 managers and other key employees in the Nordea Group, who
are deemed to be of considerable significance for the group's future

The programme is a combined matching and performance share programme and a
requirement for participating is that the participant holds and locks-in Nordea
shares. Allotment, with a capped maximum outcome, depends, inter alia, on the
achievement of Nordea's financial goals. Compared with previous programmes this
programme will not comprise of rights to purchase Nordea shares during an
exercise period following a vesting period. Instead, the participants will be
entitled to allotment of Nordea shares free of charge, after a longer vesting
period; three years. The performance conditions are based on similar principles
as the ones in LTIP 2007, LTIP 2008 and LTIP 2009.

For each Nordea share held and locked-in the participant will be entitled to
allotment, free of charge, of:
  * one ordinary Nordea share. This share is a Matching Share, which will be
    allotted if the participant remains employed by Nordea during the three year
    vesting period.

  * a maximum of three ordinary Nordea shares. These shares are Performance
    Shares, which means that in addition to the three year employment criterion,
    Nordea has to fulfil certain financial targets, see appendix below.

In order to implement the previous programmes in a cost-effective and flexible
way the AGM 2007, 2008 and 2009, decided to hedge those programmes through an
issue of redeemable and convertible C-shares. The board considers that the
applied alternative is the most cost-effective and flexible method of delivery
of shares and for covering certain costs, principally social security costs, for
which reason the board proposes to the AGM that the financial risk for LTIP
2010 will also be hedged by way of a directed cash issue of 5,125,000 redeemable
and convertible C-shares. This form of hedge is seen as preferable to an equity
swap. The new shares shall - with deviation from the shareholders' preferential
right - be subscribed for by a third party. The subscription price shall
correspond to the share's quota value. The share capital, after the new issue of
shares, will be increased by 5,125,000 euro. The new C-shares do not entitle to
any dividend.

Furthermore, the board of directors proposes authorisation to repurchase the
issued C-shares through a directed acquisition offer in respect of all C-shares.
C-shares, after conversion to ordinary shares, shall be conveyed to participants
in LTIP 2010. It shall also be possible to convey a portion of the shares on a
regulated market in order to cover certain costs, mainly social security costs.
Moreover, it is proposed that Nordea is entitled, before the AGM 2011, to
transfer a maximum of 520,000 ordinary shares of the total holding of 3,120,000
ordinary shares, to cover certain costs, mainly social security costs for LTIP
2007 as well as transfer a maximum of 480,000 ordinary shares of the total
holding of 2,880,000 ordinary shares to cover certain costs, mainly social
security costs for LTIP 2008 and to transfer a maximum of 1,450,000 ordinary
shares of the total holding of 7,250,000 ordinary shares, to cover certain
costs, mainly social security costs for LTIP 2009.

The costs are expected to have a marginal effect on Nordea's key ratios. The
programme is estimated to cost about 21 million euro during the three-year
vesting period, which corresponds to about 1.00 per cent of Nordea's staff

The proposed incentive programme has been developed in close consultation with
major shareholders. Nordea's board of directors intends to renew the long term
incentive programme annually.

Notice to attend the Annual General Meeting

The notice will be published around 23 February. The notice contains
instructions as to how registration is to be made, proposal for the agenda of
the meeting and the main content in the proposals to the AGM. Notice to attend
the meeting will be available on the company's web site

For further information:
Jan Larsson, Head of Group Identity and Communications, +46 8 614 79 16
Rodney Alfvén, Head of Investor Relations, +46 8 614 78 52

The information in this press release is such that Nordea shall announce
publicly according to Act (1991:980) regarding trading with financial
instruments and/or Act (2007:528) regarding the securities market.

Conditions for performance shares in the LTIP 2010
In addition to the three-year employment criterion, the entitlement to receive
allotment of performance shares depends on certain financial performance
  * Performance shares I: If the compound annual growth rate ("CAGR") in risk
    adjusted profit per share ("RAPPS") from the financial year 2009 (base year
    for the calculation) to and including year 2012 ("Three years CAGR in
    RAPPS") amounts to 2 per cent the participant is entitled to receive
    allotment of the number of performance shares I corresponding to 15 per cent
    of the maximum number of performance shares I that may be allotted (minimum
    hurdle). If Three years CAGR in RAPPS amounts to or exceeds 9 per cent, the
    participant is entitled to receive allotment of the maximum number of
    performance shares I that may be allotted (stretched target). If Three years
    CAGR in RAPPS exceeds the minimum hurdle but is less than the stretched
    target, the participant is entitled to receive allotment corresponding to
    15 per cent of the maximum number of performance shares I that may be
    allotted plus a proportionate number of performance shares I based on a
    linear interpolation between the minimum hurdle and the stretched target.

  * Performance shares II: If Nordea's total shareholder return 2010-2012 ("TSR
    2010-2012") places Nordea in the eleventh position or lower compared to the
    other banks in the peer group, currently including five Nordic and fourteen
    other European banks, Allied Irish Bank, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argenaria
    (BBVA), Bank of Ireland, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Commerzbank, Danske Bank,
    DnB NOR, Erste Bank, Banco Santander, Intesa Sanpaolo, KBC, Lloyds TSB,
    Royal Bank of Scotland, SEB, Société Générale, Svenska Handelsbanken,
    Swedbank and UniCredit, defined by the board, the participant will not be
    entitled to allotment. If Nordea's TSR 2010-2012 places Nordea in position
    6-10 the participant is entitled to the following allotment of performance
    shares II: position six - allotment corresponding to 75 per cent of the
    maximum number that may be allotted, position seven - allotment
    corresponding to 60 per cent of the maximum number that may be allotted,
    position eight - allotment corresponding to 45 per cent of the maximum
    number that may be allotted, position nine - allotment corresponding to 30
    per cent of the maximum number that may be allotted and, position ten -
    allotment corresponding to 15 per cent of the maximum number that may be
    allotted. If Nordea's TSR 2010-2012 places Nordea in the first to fifth
    position the participant is entitled to receive allotment corresponding to
    the maximum number of performance shares II that may be allotted (stretched


    Press release (PDF):