NewAge, Inc. announced the discovery of a new method of action to fight the effects of aging and the filing of a new patent to protect the uniqueness of the discovery. Following publication in the Journal of Biosciences and Medicine of the recent discovery on how to block spike proteins from binding to human cells, NewAge scientists have filed for a patent that contains multiple unique claims, and a new discovery that supports cardiovascular health and anti-aging. The new discovery encapsulated in the patent includes a powerful new way to unblock the secretion signal from the hypothalamus, thereby stimulating the anterior pituitary gland to naturally secrete human growth hormone (HGH). One of the major contributors to aging and the decline in cardiovascular health is the increase in the production of dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 (DPP4). DPP4 acts a signal to the anterior pituitary and it degrades over time as humans biologically age. With a new combination of natural ingredients including Tahitian NONI? fruit and pterostilbene, NewAge scientists have developed a method of action to unblock the DPP4 signal by 99.1% and allow the secretion from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary, thereby triggering the body to naturally regulate itself and secrete growth hormone, as it did when the body was in growth and development mode versus in the aging process. In addition to unblocking the hypothalamus secretion signal, NewAge scientists have leveraged a mechanism to suppress somatostatin release and stimulate the anterior pituitary gland, a major organ of the body?s endocrine system that affects growth, hormone production, and regulation. Growth hormone is essential during childhood development and continues to help maintain tissue and organ health throughout one?s lifetime. As a person ages, however, the amount of HGH produced slows dramatically. This decline is due in part to both a reduction in GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) and an increase in somatostatin, also known as a GH-inhibiting hormone (GHIH). In addition, an enzyme produced in the body ? dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 (DPP4) ? also works to inhibit GHRH, thereby contributing to further decline resulting in lower energy levels, reduced muscle mass, weight gain, and a variety of other age-related changes. NewAge has discovered a natural way to simultaneously inhibit DPP4 and decrease somatostatin.