Net Pacific Financial Holdings Limited provided earnings guidance for the Financial Period ended March 31, 2024. For the period, based on the preliminary review and assessment of the unaudited management accounts of the Group for the financial period ended 31 March 2024, the Group is expected to report a higher consolidated net loss, including operating loss from the Financing and Golf business segments, as compared to the preceding financial period ended 31 March 2023, mainly due to the following: Financing Business segment: the foreign exchange loss arising from the revaluation of the Group's receivables and cash and cash equivalents denominated in Australian Dollars and the expected credit loss made on other receivables. Golf Business segment: losses from the Golf Business as the operating expenses outweighed the lower revenue in first quarter of the year which is considered low season for the Golf Business with typically lower local demand for playing golf in indoor golf venues due to the cool weather and lunar new year holidays in February.