MyBucks S. A announced the appointment of Dirk Harbecke as Independent Non-Executive Chairman. Dirk Harbecke will be appointed at the company's Annual General Meeting scheduled for 31 January 2020. Dirk is a successful serial entrepreneur and currently serves as Chairman of Rock Tech Lithium Inc. Dirk previously was the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ADC African Development Corporation AG for seven years, until its successful sale to Atlas Mara in 2014. Dirk Harbecke will succeed Markus Schachner, who served as chairman since April 2019 and will continue to serve as a non-executive director. Alongside Dirk Harbecke, Loc D. Nguyen, will be joining the Board of Directors. Loc has c. 40 years of financial services experience, out of which 8 years with Citicorp and 9 years with Barclays. Loc is a Swiss national, who has operated in Europe, Asia and the Americas. At the same time, Cornel Vermaak and Trevor Joslin will step down and not put themselves up for re-election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Friday 31 January 2020.