Mirach Energy Limited reported unaudited group financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2017. For the quarter, the group reported loss before income tax of $1,051,000 and loss for the period attributable to equity holders of the company of $1,043,000 or 0.88 US cents per diluted share per diluted share on revenue of $56,000 against income before income tax of $387,000 and income for the period attributable to equity holders of the company of $408,000 or 0.34 US cents per diluted share per diluted share on revenue of $123,000 for the same period of last year. Cash used in operations was $1,957,000 against inflow of $173,000 for the same period of last year. The loss was largely due to high fixed production costs at Kampung Minyak Oil Field which solely contributed to the whole of the Group's production costs ($0.426 million).