NEW YORK, Aug. 2, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- MicroFinancial, Inc. (Nasdaq: MFI) announced today that Richard F. Latour, President and CEO will present at

    DATE: August 4, 2011
    TIME: 12:00 pm, NOON EDT
           the red "register/ watch event now"
    LINK:  button.

This will be a live, interactive online event where investors are invited to ask the company questions in real-time both in the presentation hall as well as the company's "virtual trade booth." If attendees are not able to join the event live in real-time, an on-demand archive will be available for 90 days.

It is recommended that investors pre-register to save time and receive event updates.

About MicroFinancial

MicroFinancial Inc. (NASDAQ: MFI), is a financial intermediary specializing in microticket leasing and financing. MicroFinancial has been operating since 1986, and is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts

About, created by BetterInvesting (NAIC), PR Newswire and MUNCmedia, is the first monthly virtual investor conference series that provides an interactive forum for presenting companies to meet directly with retail investors using a graphically-enhanced online platform.

Designed to replicate the look and feel of location-based investor conferences, Retail Investor Conferences unites PR Newswire's leading-edge online conferencing and investor communications capabilities with BetterInvesting's extensive retail investor audience network and MUNCmedia's sophisticated retail investor targeting.

SOURCE MicroFinancial, Inc.