MaxiTRANS Industries Limited has announced a number of changes to its Board of Directors as it positions itself for future growth. Mr. Ian Davis, Chairman since the company listed in 1994 will retire from the Board on 30 June, 2016. Mr. Rob Wylie, the company non-executive director since 2008, will assume the role of Chairman from
Davis on 30 June, 2016. He is currently the Chairman of the company's Audit and Risk Management Committee. Wylie has extensive experience including a long career in senior positions with Deloitte, both in Australia and internationally including 8 years as National Chairman. As a result of these changes, the Board announced the appointment of Ms. Samantha Hogg to the Board. With Mr. Wylie's appointment as Chairman, Hogg will assume the role of Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Management Committee. Hogg currently holds non-executive directorships with Hydro Tasmania and TasRail and has previously held senior executive finance roles at Transurban Group, Vale Inco and WMC Resources. Hogg will seek reappointment to the Board at the company's 2016 Annual General Meeting.