Global Hemp Group Inc. and Marijuana Company of America, Inc. provided final report on the first phase of their industrial hemp project in New Brunswick. In this first phase of GHG and MCOA's multi-phase hemp project in northeast New Brunswick (NB), the Partners have successfully cultivated industrial hemp during the 2017 growing season. For this phase of the project, the Partners only grew hemp for research purposes, as this was the first time in 20 years that industrial hemp was grown in the region.

The objective of phase one was to re-introduce hemp into the area, and ensure that it could be productive under New Brunswick growing conditions prior to significantly increasing cultivation acreage and building a hemp processing facility in the region, in future phases of the project. The trial consisted of fifteen test plots with three different varieties and as many planting densities of hemp, in two different locations east and west of Bathurst. The trials were sampled and collected materials were measured at Collège Communautaire du Nouveau Brunswick, Grand Falls laboratory where standard drying and measuring procedures were applied to the hemp straw, flowers, and leaves collected.

Straw yields averaged 1.0-2.5 T/ha, whereas the combined flowers and leaves of the plant averaged 1.25-2.10 T/ha. The Partners are confident that with an earlier planting date, adequate soil preparation, and a higher fertilizer application, yields will be improved in future seasons.