Mar City, one of the UK's leading house builders, has unveiled a ground breaking new approach to building residential homes using Modern Methods of Construction, which many believe will mark a fundamental shift in the way that UK homes are built, and help alleviate the chronic housing shortage. Modular Construction

By bringing modern, high specification, modular construction to the UK residential market, a home can be almost entirely constructed in a factory environment. This means the construction process is up to three times faster than existing house-building methods, saving time, labour costs, and increased efficiency, as well as protecting the environment

This innovative new concept has taken Mar City almost a decade to develop, and whilst modern construction methods have been used in other industries, modular systems have never been applied to large scale residential housing in Britain until now. Mar City is proud to deliver a first for the UK property market, with our pioneering methods already earning critical acclaim and support.

Why is there a need for Modular Construction?

The UK is currently facing a housing crisis. There is an acute shortage of homes across Britain, and the demand is ever increasing.

Currently statistics show the industry is producing only around ½ of the homes that are required year on year.

Reports warn that unless concerted action is taken, areas of high demand for housing will see increased homelessness and a crisis in public services.

Why is modular construction the answer?

With a strong focus on sustainable building techniques, and a 96% waste recycling rate, modular building is not only fast and cost effective but also green.  With an accuracy rate only available in factory conditions, modular housing creates less waste than traditional site built methods, whilst simultaneously reducing disturbance to the local environment and community.

Since the majority of the construction process is completed within a factory setting, weather delays are eliminated. Moreover, because off site construction of Mar City's modular homes can occur simultaneously with onsite and foundation works, projects can be completed up to 3 times faster than traditional methods. This gives developers a much more accurate build schedule and reduces the risk of costly over-runs.

What are the benefits?

Eliminating waste

Efficient design means wastage is minimised in the construction process; 25% of module components are from recycled sources and 96% of waste are diverted landfill by recycling through a MRF (material recycling facility), reusing or converting to energy through a RDF (refuse derived fuels) plant.

Reduced transportation

A study undertaken by WRAP and ARUP identified an 82% reduction in traffic movements on a modular project compared to traditional construction.

Thermal Insulation

Modular units are very energy efficient thermally, leading to reductions in energy use and CO2 emissions. Modular buildings also bring huge improvements in thermal insulation, thanks to the dense foam insulation built into the modules external structure. This keeps the heat in during winter and also keeps the house cool during the warmer months.

A Quality Build

Off-site production of housing creates an exemplary finished product due to the higher levels of quality control from a factory controlled environment in which the homes are constructed. This method brings many advantages for the buyer.

Protection of Materials

Unlike the traditional building process, the majority of the materials used in modular construction are safely and securely stored in a dry factory environment. Therefore, the potential for moisture being trapped in your new home is reduced, preventing damage or deterioration from the elements.

 Superior Strength

Structurally, modular buildings are extremely strong, as each module is engineered to independently withstand the rigors of transportation and craning onto foundations.

Reduced sound transmission

The solid construction of the modules heavily reduces internal sound transmission between rooms or from adjacent units and floors

Construction benefits

Construction of modular buildings occurs simultaneously with site work.

A quieter build

The main construction operations are less disruptive to adjacent or connected properties in terms of pollution and associated nuisance.

 Reduced build times

Construction of Mar City's modular homes can occur simultaneously with the site and foundation works, projects can be completed up to 3 times faster than traditional construction.

"Times have changed, however- new modular construction techniques are of extremely high quality, and the attractions of using off-site construction are significant"

Jonas Crosland

Investors Chronicle

Mar City Homes

At the heart of Mar City's philosophy reigns the belief that every single customer touch point should be influenced and inspired by the very foundations the business grew from.

One of the UK's Leading Housebuilders

With a track record of residential development spanning more than 25 years, Mar City has built an enviable reputation for delivering high quality, sustainable homes - from city-centre studio apartments to five bedroom family homes.

Mar City ensures a hands-on approach to design and build, with a focus on attention to detail. This ensures our developments are in harmony with their surroundings and local community, keeping high quality, innovation, and sustainability as the pivotal elements of the company's core values, regardless of home size.

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