On January 9, 2017, Management Resource Solutions PLC announced that on January 6, 2017 it received a requisition in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 of a general meeting from Pershing Nominees on behalf of SCOPN Pty Ltd, a company controlled by the former CEO of the Company, Paul Morffew. The requisition requires that the Company put to shareholders resolutions to: (i) amend the Company's articles of association so that there shall be no less than 2 and no more than 5 directors, unless otherwise authorised by shareholders, and that all directors must stand for re-election at every general meeting or annual general meeting of the Company and (ii) appoint 2 new directors nominated by SCOPN to the board with immediate effect. In addition, the Company announced that a circular to shareholders convening this general meeting, containing full details of the resolutions proposed by Morffew and the directors' recommendation in respect of them, will be published in due course.