Loihde Plc: SHARE REPURCHASE 10.1.2022

Helsinki Stock Exchange        
Trade date                       10/01/2022    
Bourse trade                   BUY    
Share                                 LOIHDE    
Amount                            862 Shares
Average price / share    17,9755 EUR
Total Cost                         15 494,90 EUR
Loihde Plc now holds a total of 81 392 shares
including the shares repurchased on 10/01/2022    
On behalf of Loihde Plc:        
Lago Kapital Ltd        
Jarkko Järvitalo        Jani Koskell        
Further information:        
CEO Samu Konttinen        
Media contact: Director of Communications Tiina Nieminen, tel. +358 44 411 3480        


  • Download announcement as PDF.pdf
  • LOIHDE_SBB_Trades_10012022.xlsx

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