Lime Technologies AB (publ) Annual General Meeting on April 27, 2021, the Chairman of the Board, Martin Henricsson, has summoned the Nomination Committee. After consultation with the major shareholders of the company as per August 31, 2021, the Committee consists of the following members: Emil Hjalmarsson, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, representing Grenspecialisten AB and 10.0 % of the shares and votes Veronica Sandman, representing Syringa Capital AB (owned by Erik Syrén) and 10.1 % of the shares and votes Jan Dworsky, representing Swedbank Robur Fonder AB and 9.6 % of the shares and votes The Nomination Committee will prepare proposals for the AGM in 2022, including proposals for the Chairman of the AGM, Board members, Chairman of the Board, remuneration for Board members, auditors, fees to the auditors and the tasks and composition of the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2023.