Gold mining is excavation of gold from the ground. The global gold mining industry, which has experienced good growth, in recent years, is expected to carry that growth momentum into the future. The industry is expected to reach $98.9 billion in 2018, growing at a CAGR over the next five years.

From company web site- Kibush Capital Corp. (OTCMKTS: DLCR) Aqua Mining is a wholly owned subsiderary of Kibush Capital. Aqua Mining is currently in the exploration stage. Aqua Mining was created to undertake certain opportunities that exist within the mining sector of the economy of Papua New Guinea. The Director Mr. Vincent Appo, has extensive experience and knowledge in this sector and has over the years assembled a vast network of contacts and contractors that will assist the company in their managerial and operational endeavors. From the outset the company is negotiating over 2 mine sites for further exploration.

Aqua Mining in the past six months has negotiated and finalized with landowners in the WAU area of PNG, Joint Ventures to conduct mineral exploration activities. These Joint Venture Agreements will form the basis of applications to the Mining Resource Authority in PNG for Mining Licenses. In addition, Aqua Mining has been accepted as a developer of AML 694-695.




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(C) 2020 M2 COMMUNICATIONS, source M2 PressWIRE