Copy Resource Assignments when copying a Project Plan It will now be possible to select whether or not resource assignments are copied when copying an existing project plan. This is done by via a new checkbox labelled ‘Include Resource Based Assignments’ on the copy project plan screen.

Map Role Assignments The Map Role Assignments function, which previously allowed Roles to be mapped to resources, has been extended to allow the mapping of roles to alternative roles.

Multiple versions of Project Plans It is now possible to create multiple project plans, per project. This will allow users to create alternatives to the current plan that can be used to create forecasts for inclusion into scenario modelling. This is done via a new system configuration setting, if multiple project plans are permitted, an additional system configuration setting will control how many versions are permitted per project. The ability to create a new project plan version will be possible via the new ‘Add’ icon displayed on the project plan tool bar. The ability to manage different version of a project plan is provided on the project plan toolbar through a new ‘Versions’ option icon which provides the following functionality:

Copying a Project Plan from another Project The ability to select a version of the project plan when copying from another project will be provided in v4.8. The Copy Project Plan screen has been extended to allow the selection of a project plan version.

Copying Assignments into a Demand Forecast The ability to select the project plan version when copying assignments into a Demand Forecast will be provided on the Forecast edit screen in 4.8