Karambunai Corp. Bhd reported unaudited consolidated earnings results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2017. For the quarter, the company reported revenue of MYR 17,110,000 compared to MYR 14,006,000 a year ago. Profit from operations was MYR 3,039,000 compared to loss of MYR 4,992,000 a year ago. Profit before tax was MYR 3,034,000 compared to loss of MYR 5,015,000 a year ago. Profit for the period attributable to owners of the parent was MYR 3,016,000 compared to loss of MYR 4,892,000 a year ago. Basic earnings per share was 0.05 sen compared to loss of 0.08 sen a year ago. Net asset per share was 14.77 sen per share. Net cash generated from operating activities was MYR 7,948,000 compared to MYR 964,000 a year ago. Purchase of property, plant and equipment was MYR 395,000 compared to MYR 101,000 a year ago. The increase in revenue was attributed mainly to higher revenue generated by the Leisure and Tourism segment, offset by a substantial drop in Property Development and Construction segment revenue. The Group recorded a profit before tax largely on contribution from Nexus Resort & Spa Karambunai which recorded a profit before tax of MYR 5.0 million, and on non-cash foreign currency translation gain of MYR 0.6 million.