JPMorgan Global Growth & Income plc announced that it intends to pay dividends totalling 22.80 pence per share (5.70 pence per share per quarter) in relation to its financial year commencing 1st July 2024. This is in line with its policy of paying out 4.0% of the Company's net asset value as at 30th June 2024 and represents an increase of 23.6% on the last financial year's total dividend of 18.44 pence per share. This will be the ninth consecutive year that the dividend has been raised.

It is expected that the dividends will be paid by way of four equal distributions, with the first interim dividend for the financial year ending 30th June 2025 of 5.70 pence per share (for the period to 30th September 2024), being paid on 7th October 2024 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 30th August 2024. The ex-dividend date is 29th August 2024. The three other dividends are expected to be paid in January, April and July 2025.