The Board of JPMorgan American Investment Trust plc announced the appointments of Simon Bragg and Sir Alan Collins as independent non-executive Directors of the company, with effect from May 04, 2012. Simon Bragg is Chief Executive of Oriel Securities Limited. Having qualified as a Chartered Accountant at KPMG he has previously worked at Hoare Govett, Cargill and HSBC. Sir Alan Collins has recently retired from the British Diplomatic Service, during which he held a number of Ambassador level appointments and was until August 2011, Director General Trade and Investment USA in New York. He is Managing Director for the economic legacy of the London 2012 Olympics and, from April 2012, Director General and Chief Executive of the Commonwealth Business Council. He is non-executive Chairman of Nair & Co Limited and Powertec Energy Limited and a non-executive Director of Amlin plc.