Jaxon Mining Inc. announce the results from the first in a series of porphyry intrusion "rock" dating studies from the Red Springs Project. The study reveals the Cu deposit at Red Springs was formed in the Late Cretaceous period, placing it within a comparable age range of other previously discovered porphyry deposits located in the Stikinia area along the Skeena Arch. During 2019's phase 2 field work at Red Springs, rock samples were recovered from three K-feldspar porphyritic intrusion outcrops. Assay and petrographic results for these samples were released November 12, 2019. Testing zircon ages for three samples A0027087PR-POR and SP285 are 66.20±0.35, 66.51±0.31 and 67.56±0.39 respectively. All fall in the first major episode of BC porphyry formation from Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene age period. The ages for the first two samples from the same outcrop area with the same rock types are within the same age range. The age of sample SP285 is approximately one million years older with more magnetite and other dark minerals and astrong magnetic anomaly. Three samples may be from different evolution phasing magma which are from the same source magma chamber or SP285 may be early phase intrusion. Date testing results are consistent with previous outcrop observations and petrographic studies which states samples A0027087 and PR-POR rocks may be the late phase of porphyry intrusion dykes. SP285 sample represents the early phase hosting intrusion rocks.