This is an Engl ish convenience translati.on of the origina l Hebrew version. I n case of any discrepancy, the bi nding version is the Hebrew original


Registrar Number: 5200280 IO

To: The Securities Authority To: The Tel Aviv Stock E.xchangc www.isa,

Fom1 020

(public/after paper)

Published in MAGNA: 8.1.20 1 7

Reference:2017-01 -003459

App lica n t's notificati on on t h e results of the offering in a prospectus

According to clause 30 of the Securities Law, 1968 and according to Regulation 30c of the periodic and immediate reports regulations, 1970

Note: fee payments should be done through the form 028.

Mark the following clauses, if applicable:

D Not ice of completion of securities offering program period (ATM)

D Witbin the prospectus only shares of real estate investments fund are offered

D Within the prospectus only comm ercial secu rities are offered

D Within the prospectus commercial securit ies and other securities are offered

D The prospectus i s a shelf prospectus

D The public ot'feri ng was made on the base of a complementary notice

D The prospectus i ncludes an e«change offer

  1. Attached please find the results of the offeri ng i n a prospectus for which reference num ber for pubIication i s 20 1 6-01-0596 II

    Publication's approval was given on 05/05/2016 and the period to su bm it orders under i t has ended on (in case of an ATM -the date of the end of the program) 05/01/20 17

    Attached please find the resu lts of the issuance which will be publ ished: PDF doc.

    Prnspectus number: 2969Q Note: please fil l i n for internal use of the JSA

    2 . A. The tota l amou nt of securities wh ich was offered in the prospectus:

    Note: the maximum number of records of index prod ucts to be filled in ,e tab le is 35. In the event the amount of the index products required to be reported is larger than 35. the re.port shall be fragmented.

    disc1epancy, the bind ing version is the Hebrew origina l

    Type of security Name of secu rity Nu mber of

    security in the

    Stock Exchange

    Amount Price in Agorot Discount rate


    Israel Corpor.ation debenture I I





    B. Completion of detai Is regard ing index products which were offered in the prospectus:

    Ca ncelJed Nu mber of

    Series serial


    Ty1>e of

    Na me of Listing date

    secu rity in the

    number rity in



    the Stock



    Name of


    PulJ Stock Exchange name

    Abbreviated Stock Exchange name

    Note: if the series was cancelled, please mark the "cancelled" field.

    Note: on the "series serial number" field, please type up to 3 letters or numbers describing the serial number of the series without any other mark ings, such as apostrophes.

  2. . The total amount of securities of a l l types which was ordered according to the prospectus:

    Nu mber of Name of secu rity Amount Price ii) N IS Pa r Ylllue in Type of Qrderer sccurity in the NIS

    Stock Excha11ge


    I Israel Corporation



    1 .025


    I nstitutional

    This is an Engl ish conven ience translation of the origina l Hebrew version. I n case of any dis-crepancy, the bi nd ing vel'sion is the Hebrew origina l

    debenture 1 1


    Israel Corporation deben ture I I


    1 .025



    Note: I . Price i n Agorot - the amibuted consideration to a single security i n Agorot

    2. The par value i n N IS - tota l attributed consideration received in NIS, namely amount X price i n Agorot, d ivided to I 00.

    111 case 0f ATM progra m, the total amount which was received i n consideration for the securities.

  3. . Total securities of all types and accord ing to orderers, which their order was rejected:

  4. Nu mber of Na me of security Amount Price in NlS Par Va lue in Type of orderer

    security in the

    Stock Exchange



    fsrael Corporation debenture II




    Note: I . Price i n Agorot - the attributed consideration to a single security in Agorot

    2. The Par value in NlS -the total amount which was received i n N IS, namely -amount X price in Agorot, divided to I 00.

    1. . Tota l securities of all types and according to orderers wh ich their offer was accepted:

      Number of security in the Stock xchange

      Na me of security A mount Price in NIS Pa r Value in Type of orderer



      Israel Corporation debenture 1 1




      I nstitutional


      Israel Corporation debenture I I


      1 .025



      Note: J . Price i n Agorot -the attri.buted consideration to a single security I n Agorol.

      discrepancy, the bind ing version is the Hebrew original

    2. Par value in NlS -total amount which was received in N IS, namely -amount X price in N IS.

    3. As for options issuance, the price w i l l be the future exercise price. The price in Agorot is the price which was settled (in the bid) for the relevant type of orderer.

      1. . Total securities which their order was cancelled:

        Note: if orders accord ing to section 26A to Securities Law, 1968, were cancelled.

        Number of Na me of security Par value security in the

        Stock Exchange

        l o l o l o

      2. . The par value of any type of securities which was acquired by an underwri ter for

        issuan ce.

      3. . The par va lue of Lhe securities wh ich were acquired by interested party.

      4. Name of authorized signer on the report and authorized Electronic signer: Maya Alcheh Kaplan. Position : VP, General Counsel and Company's Secretary.

        Signature date:. 8.1 .2017

        Reference numbers of former documents in this regard (referri ng does not consti tute i i1co.rporation by reference):

        Debentures of the corporation I isted security in Tel Aviv stock exchange A bbreviated name: Israel Corporation

        Add ress: P.O.B 20456, Tel Avi v 61204. Phone: 03-684451 7, 03-6844500, Pax: 03-6844587

        E-Mail: MA YAAl

        Former name of reporti ng entity: The Israel Corporation Ltd.

        Name of Electron ic Reporter: Maya f, lcheh Kaplan . Position: Vice General Manager. General Counsel and Company's Secretary.

        Address: AJanha 23 street, Tel Aviv 61204 Phone: 03-6844517, Fax.: 03-6844587, e-mai I -

      ICL – Israel Corporation Limited published this content on 05 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
      Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 16 January 2017 08:40:07 UTC.

      Original document

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