Intu Properties plc announced that following the retirement of Mike Butterworth, chief operating officer, at the end of 2015, the following changes have been made to intu's senior management structure. Martin Breeden has been appointed development director, with responsibility for development across the UK. He will continue to oversee intu's Spanish business which has a major development focus.

Martin, who has over 20 years' experience in the retail property industry, joined intu in 2002. He is currently a regional director and has led on a number of corporate and major regeneration projects, including the acquisition of Puerto Venecia, Zaragoza and the redevelopment of intu Victoria Centre, Nottingham. Julian Wilkinson has been appointed as asset management director, responsible for optimising the performance of intu's UK shopping centres.

Julian joined intu in 2011, when intu Trafford Centre became part of the Group, and also has over 20 years' retail property experience working for both retailers and landlords. He is currently a regional director with responsibility for a number of intu's major centres including intu Trafford Centre and intu Merry Hill. Both Martin and Julian will report to David Fischel, chief executive, and join the Group Executive Committee.

As with the former chief operating officer role, they will not be directors of the main Board of Intu Properties plc. Matthew Roberts, chief financial officer, will assume responsibility for centre based operations whilst retaining his existing responsibilities. As a result, Gordon McKinnon, operations director, will now report directly to Matthew.

With these appointments and changes, the former role of chief operating officer will not be directly replaced.