Capital Change Notice

Section 1: Issuer information

Name of issuer

Infratil Limited

NZX ticker code


Class of financial product

Fully paid ordinary shares

ISIN (If unknown, check on NZX website)




Section 2: Capital change details

Number issued/acquired/redeemed


Nominal value (if any)

Not applicable

Issue/acquisition/redemption price per security


Nature of the payment (for example, cash or other



Amount paid up (if not in full)

Not applicable

Percentage of total class of Financial Products


issued/acquired/redeemed/ (calculated on the number of

Financial Products of the Class, excluding any Treasury Stock,

in existence)

For an issue of Convertible Financial Products or Options, the

Not applicable

principal terms of Conversion (for example the Conversion

price and Conversion date and the ranking of the Financial

Product in relation to other Classes of Financial Product) or the

Option (for example, the exercise price and exercise date)

Reason for issue/acquisition/redemption and specific authority

Issue of 27,093,600 ordinary

for issue/acquisition/redemption/ (the reason for change must

shares under a retail offer

be identified here)

announced on 20/06/2024, the

results of which (including the

extent of oversubscriptions

accepted) were announced on


The issuance was authorised

by board resolutions dated

16/06/2024 and 10/07/2024.

Total number of Financial Products of the Class after the

966,542,280 ordinary shares

issue/acquisition/redemption/Conversion (excluding Treasury

(excluding Treasury Stock)

Stock) and the total number of Financial Products of the Class

1,662,617 Treasury Stock

held as Treasury Stock after the issue/acquisition/redemption.

In the case of an acquisition of shares, whether those shares

Not applicable

are to be held as treasury stock

Specific authority for the issue, acquisition, or redemption,

The issue of shares under the

including a reference to the rule pursuant to which the issue,

retail offer is made pursuant to

acquisition, or redemption is made

NZX Listing Rule 4.3.1 and

NZX Listing Rule 4.5.1 as

explained in the offer

document dated 20/06/2024.

The issuance was authorised

by board resolutions dated

16/06/2024 and 10/07/2024.

Terms or details of the issue, acquisition, or redemption (for

Issue of ordinary shares which

example: restrictions, escrow arrangements)

rank equally with all other fully

paid ordinary shares in Infratil


Date of issue/acquisition/redemption


Section 3: Authority for this announcement and contact person

Name of person authorised to make this announcement

Andrew Carroll, Chief Financial


Contact person for this announcement

Andrew Carroll, Chief Financial


Contact phone number

+64-4-473 3663

Contact email address

Date of release through MAP



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Infratil Limited published this content on 15 July 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 15 July 2024 22:51:02 UTC.