IMAGICA GROUP Inc. announced appointment of Shunjiro Nagase as Chief Executive Officer, replacing Nobuo Fuse, effective April 1, 2024. Career summary of newly appointed Representative Director: July 2001: Joined Future System Consulting Co. Ltd.; April 2005: Founded Maestro Service Corporation Ltd.; May 2012: Joined the Company (formerly IMAGICA ROBOT Holdings Inc.); April 2016: Director, SDI Media Group Inc.; April 2019: Executive Officer, the Company; April 2021: Manager, Pixelogic Media Partners LLC (to present); Director, PPC Creative Limited April 2022: President and Representative Director, ROBOT COMMUNICATIONS INC. (to present); President and Representative Director, IMAGICA LIVE Corporation (to present); June 2022: Director, OLM Inc. (to present); Director, P.I.C.S. Co.

Ltd. (to present); Director and Executive Officer, the Company (to present).