Voxtur Analytics Corp. announced that a top five mortgage servicer and top 20 bank will begin offering Voxtur AOL in the first quarter of 2023. Voxtur AOL is an alternative to title insurance that can save homebuyers 20% to 70% on the cost of title coverage, reducing closing costs by hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

By leveraging existing client relationships, Voxtur continues to gain momentum with the expansion of its Voxtur AOL, one of the only insured title insurance alternatives available on the market. With the addition of these large clients, the reach of Voxtur AOL continues to grow, benefitting even more U.S. homebuyers. Using a patent-pending process, Voxtur AOL pairs the efficiency and scalability of a data-driven property review with the strength of a legal opinion.

The result is a fully compliant AOL backed by transactional liability insurance that covers the full value of the loan for the life of the loan. The use of AOL has been approved by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Veterans Administration. Voxtur AOL is available nationwide through strategic partnerships with certain lenders and service providers.