February 05,2013
The Secretary
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers
B S Marg
Scrip Code: 532347
The Secretary
National Stock Exchange Limited
"Exchange Plaza" Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051
The Secretary
Madras Stock Exchange Limited
2nd Line Beach Chennai - 600 00 l Scrip Code: HMS
Dear Sir,

Sub: Book Closure for the ensuing AGM

In term of the Listing Agreement entered into with you, kindly note that the Board of
Directors of the Company have fixed 2151 March 2013 (Thursday) to 251

March 2013

(Monday) as the dates during which the Registrar of Members and the Share Transfer Books will remain closed for the purpose of dividend and the Annua! Generai Meeting Scheduled to be held on Monday, the 25111 March 2013 for the year 2011-12. Further as
required by the Listing Agreement, we hereby confirm that the Company will accept for registration of ali transfers that are lodged with the Company upto the date of closure of Transfer books and register the same forthwith and unless the Exchange agrees otherwise, will defer, unti! the Transfer books have reopened, registration of any transfers which may be received after the closure of the transfer books. The Company further agrees to ensure that the time gap between two book closure dates and or book closure dates and record dates would beat least 30 days.

This is for your kind information and records.

Thanking You, Yours Faithfully,

For Helios and Matheson Information Technology Ltd (K.M.Kumar) Company Secretary

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