H2O Innovation Inc. announced that it was awarded two new water and wastewater projects in the United States. These new contracts, worth $2.2 million, will bring the corporation's project sales backlog to $51.9 million. The first contract won by the corporation consists of a 2-train packaged wastewater treatment system using membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology. This system will treat all of the wastewater generated at a State Park, located in the State of New York. The H2O Innovation team will also take care of the operation and maintenance of this system during the first year of operation. The second project, also located in the State of New York, will include both a packaged drinking water treatment system and a packaged wastewater treatment system. The 2-train drinking water treatment system is designed to treat surface water for the provision of potable water for a resort community. The packaged wastewater treatment system will also use MBR technology in order to provide treatment of the wastewater generated from the same resort.