H2G Green Limited announced that Koh Beng Leong has tendered his resignation as an Executive Director - Finance of the Company due to other personal commitments. Mr. Koh is currently serving his one (1) month notice period and is working closely with the Management team to ensure a smooth transition. Based on its enquiries and to the best of its knowledge, the Sponsor is satisfied that, save as disclosed in this announcement, there are no other material reasons for the resignation of Mr. Koh as an Executive Director - Finance of the Company.

Role And Responsibilities Executive - Business unit overall management and finance. Job Title Executive Director - Finance. Other DirectorShips Past 1. Ann Aik Pte Ltd. 2. Annaik & Partners (S) Pte.

Ltd. 3. Anxon Envirotech Pte. Ltd. 4. Anxon Environmental Pte. Ltd. 5. Anxon Eco Holdings Pte.

Ltd. 6. Anxon Oasis Pte. Ltd. 7. Dalian Shicheng Property Development (S) Pte. Ltd. (Alternate Director) 8. Ichinose Emico Valves (S) Pte.

Ltd. 9. Metal Wang Pte. Ltd. Other DirectorShips Present 1. Green Energy Investment Holding Private Limited 2. Green Waste Recycling Company Private Limited 3. Gashubunited Utility Private Limited 4. PT. Gold Fifty One Mr. Koh will also resign as Director of the 4 abovementioned subsidiaries of the Company and the effective date of cessation is 31 July 2024.