Gold79 Mines Ltd. announced that it has received the assay results from its recently completed trenching program along the Tyro Main Zone which has confirmed understanding of the geology, added new potential high-grade targets for the next drill campaign and extended the zone along strike to the northeast. Highlights from the program include: Confirmed the geologic model where the White Spar Fault intersects the Tyro Main Zone. Trench 1 (T1) returned 39.7m of 1.14 g/t Au including 9.5m of 2.08 g/t Au.

In 2023, drilling returned 51.1 g/t Au over 9.1m (GC23-28) about 40 to 50m below these surface exposures. Identified new fault structures intersecting the Tyro Main Zone trending north to northwest (similar to the White Spar fault), providing additional high-grade potential zones. Extended the Tyro Main Zone to the northeast by approximately 40m with Trench 13 (T13) returning 4.7m of 7.64 g/t Au, where it remains open to the northeast.

A total of 15 trenches were excavated across 358m with a total of 217 chip-channel samples collected. Summary: The trenching program has provided Gold79 a combination of better geologic control and a higher sample density. The result is greater confidence that the White Spar fault was active at essentially the same time as the Tyro Main vein but movement continued after the Tyro vein allowing for downward offset of the Decimal Hill zone.

This better explains the gold values at Decimal Hill. Additionally, the results serve to better constrain the limits of gold-bearing veins surrounding the shallow pit; important widths and grades have been documented on 3 sides. In the NE Tyro zone, trenches have exposed broad zones of chalcedony veining and breccia with variable widths and grades.

Most importantly, the northernmost trench, T13, identified beneath alluvial cover a zone of silicification hosting quartz veinlets and breccia with 7.64 g/t Au over 4.7 metres. This brings meaningful gold grades closer to Frisco Graben target where the suspected gold zone is concealed beneath vapor-dominated alteration. The Tyro Main Zone is composed of several gold-bearing stages emplaced into a NE-trending, steeply dipping structural corridor which has seen repeated movement.

This low sulfidation, epithermal vein system can be divided into 3 zones: 1. Decimal Hill; 2. Tyro Mine Zone; and, 3. The Tyro NE Zone. These zones are essentially defined by north-northwest-trending faults which were likely operative both during and after the Tyro mineralizing events.