Certain Shares of Godsinlosen Nordic AB (publ) are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 7-JUL-2022. These Shares will be under lockup for 372 days starting from 30-JUN-2021 to 7-JUL-2022. Details: Board members and senior executives have entered into customary commitments on lock-up for the benefit of Västra Hamnen regarding shares or other share-related instruments in the Company owned before the Offering for a period of 12 months from and with the first day of trading on Nasdaq First North. In addition, all the existing shareholders have entered into a corresponding lock-up commitment, to apply for a period of 6 months from the first day of trading, apart from the 860,000 existing shares that are part of the Offer, all existing shares are covered by lock-up.