Global Clean Energy, Inc. announced the passing of its Chief Scientific Officer, Mr. Philip Azimov. Philip spent the last five years of his life working diligently with GCEI and was the lead team inventor of the GCEI gasifier and Vortex Pump. Philip was an integral part of the team and laid the framework for a solid scientific group which is presently headed by Louis-Philip Senecal, co-inventor of the Gasifier.

The company has created of two proprietary patents: The AIRPUMP(TM) system utilizing Vortex technology to efficiently separate and recover carbon from other wastes inherent in the material, and The Hybrid Steam Gasification system, which is now being tested to efficiently reform various organic feedstock, unlike any other system known in the renewable energy world. The advantages of the AirPump(TM) are multiple. Running on compressed air, water, or inert-gases, there are no electrical components allowing the pump to operate safely in hazardous environments, such as underwater or in mineshafts. As compared to standard dredging devices, there are no impediments to the flow of material through the pump, nor are there any components which can wear out, or be damaged by abrasive materials.