PR Newswire/Les Echos/
Clichy, 29 January 2008

        ? Fourth-quarter revenue up by a strong 29.7%, including 6.2%
        ? Sustained year-on-year growth, with revenue up 26.4% on a
          reported basis and 5.4% like-for-like
        ? Integration of Wilson completed during the year

Revenue (in € millions)	Q4	Q4		% change
	2007	2006	Reported	Like-for-like
France	752.8	709.2	+6.2%	+6.4%
Europe (excluding France) 	263.3	274.0	-3.9%	-4.2%
Asia and Rest of World	100.9	67.5	+49.5%	+56.6%
Wilson	243
Eliminations	(64.8)	(51.6)
Total	1,295.5	999.1	+29.7%	+6.2%

12 months	12 months	% change
2007	2006	Reported	Like-for-like
2,824.9	2,653.5	6.5%	6.7%
1,040.0	1,045.9	-0.6%	-1.3%
294.8	243.1	21.3%	28.5%
(200.0)	(157.7)
4,782.1	3,784.8	26.4%	5.4%


Business remained good in the fourth quarter, with revenue up 6.2% like-for-like
, contributing to a 5.4% like-for-like
increase for the full year. Wilson outperformed the first three quarters, 
reporting fourth quarter revenue of €243.3

In France, fourth quarter revenue gained 6.4% like-for-like, confirming the 
trend observed since the start of the
year. Growth was led by the Contract Logistics business, where the start-up of 
new contracts helped to lift revenue
by 6.9% like-for-like, and by the Groupage business which reported a strong 5.7
% increase.

In Europe (excluding France), revenue contracted 4.2% like-for-like in the 
fourth quarter, reflecting the closure of a
loss-making groupage site in Germany and the December strike by Italian road 

Lastly, revenue in the "Asia and Rest of World" region continued to expand 
rapidly in the fourth quarter, with like-
for-like growth reaching 56.6%. This performance was achieved despite the time 
and effort devoted to merging the
Geodis and Wilson networks. The region's contribution to consolidated revenue 
for the year came to €627 million,
accounting for 12% of the total, versus just €200 million or 5% in 2005.

Contact : Véronique 
7/9 allées de l'Europe - 92615 Clichy cedex
Tel : + 33 (0)1 56 76 27 05 - Fax : + 33(0) 1 56 76 26 34
Email :


	12 months	12 months
Revenue (in € millions)	2007	2006
Groupage	1,757.7	1,680.5
Freight Forwarding	1,690.1	807.0
Contract Logistics	832.7	797.6
Full Truckload	584.7	578.0
Eliminations	(83.1)	(78.3)
Total	4,782.1	3,784.8

	% change
Reported	Like-for-like
4.6%	5.3%
109.4%	10.3%
4.4%	4.1%
1.2%	0.2%

26.4%	5.4%

Revenue for the full year was up 26.4% on a reported basis and 5.4% like-for-
like, lifted by the Group's very strong
third quarter performance and sustained growth in the fourth quarter.

All business divisions contributed to the increase.

    1. Groupage revenue (37% of the consolidated total) rose 5.3% like-for-like 
in 2007 compared with the
       previous year. Groupage France revenue was 7.2% higher like-for-like, at 
€1,426.0 million. Volumes
       continued to grow in the second half, while price rises, mainly to pass 
on the higher diesel costs, also
       contributed to the increase.
       Euromatic and the Groupage businesses in other European countries 
contributed €360.1 million to
       consolidated revenue, down 5.2% compared with 2006. The decline was 
mainly due to the discontinuation
       of loss-making operations in Germany and the December strike by Italian 
road hauliers.

    2. The Freight Forwarding division, including Wilson from February 2007, 
reported revenue up 109.4% over
       the year, including like-for-like growth of 10.3%. The integration of 
Wilson doubled the size of the network
       and enabled Geodis to acquire significant positions in Asia, where 
revenue grew 32% like-for-like to €441
       million, and also in the Nordic countries, which contributed €416.5 
million. In Southern Europe, Geodis
       continued to build on its existing strong positions, generating revenue 
of €663.9 million, an increase of
       8.7% like-for-like. This satisfactory growth rate was achieved despite 
the temporary disruption caused by
       the merger of the Geodis and Wilson networks. The Group considers that 
the operational integration of
       Wilson is now complete.

    3. Contract Logistics revenue for 2007 rose 4.4% on a reported basis and 4.1
% like-for-like. The rapid
       expansion of automotive logistics business and the start-up of new 
contracts in the second half helped to
       lift revenue for the year to €832.7 million.

    4. Full Truckload revenue - corresponding mainly to Geodis BM's road 
haulage operations - totalled €584.7
       million, unchanged from the previous year's like-for-like. Revenue from 
new contracts that began in the
       second half offset the "lost" revenue from terminated contracts and 
lower chemicals volumes in the first

The Group's 2007 results will be announced on 26 February.

Geodis, one of Europe's leading logistics companies.                          
ISIN code:        FR0000038283
2007 revenue: €4.8 billion                                                    
Reuters code:     GEOD.PA
25,500 employees                                                              
Bloomberg code:   GEO.FP
A network spanning 120 countries.

Contact : Véronique 
7/9 allées de l'Europe - 92615 Clichy cedex
Tel : + 33 (0)1 56 76 27 05 - Fax : + 33(0) 1 56 76 26 34
Email :


Quarterly Revenue - 2006/2007 (in € millions)

		Q1			Q2			S1	
	2007	2006	% change	2007	2006	% change	2007	2006	% change
France	695.2	656.0	6.0%	699.2	660.9	5.8%	1,394.4	1,316.9	5.9%
Europe (excluding France)	262.2	261.5	0.3%	260.8	265.3	-1.7%	523.0	526.8	-0.7%
Asia and Rest of the World	56.0	54.3	3.1%	66.1	60.4	9.4%	122.1	114.7	6.5%
Wilson (ex TFM)	133.5	0.0		217.1	0.0		350.6	0.0	
Eliminations	-40.0	-33.4		-45.8	-37.6		-85.8	-71.0	
TOTAL	1,106.9	938.4	18.0%	1,197.4	949.0	26.2%	2,304.3	1,887.4	22.1%

		Q3			Q4			S2	
	2007	2006	% change	2007	2006	% change	2007	2006	% change
France	677.7	627.4	8.0%	752.8	709.2	6.1%	1,430.5	1,336.6	7.0%
Europe (excluding France)	253.7	245.1	3.5%	263.3	274.0	-3.9%	517.0	519.1	-0.4%
Asia and Rest of the World	71.8	60.9	17.9%	100.9	67.5	49.5%	172.7	128.4	34.5%
Wilson (ex TFM)	228.5	0.0		243.3	0.0		471.8	0.0	
Eliminations	-49.4	-35.1		-64.8	-51.6		-114.2	-86.7	
TOTAL	1,182.3	898.3	31.6%	1,295.5	999.1	29.7%	2,477.8	1,897.4	30.6%

		12 MONTHS	
	2007	2006	% change
France	2,824.9	2,653.5	6.5%
Europe (excluding France)	1,040.0	1,045.9	-0.6%
Asia and Rest of the World	294.8	243.1	21.3%
Wilson (ex TFM)	822.4	0.0	
Eliminations	-200.0	-157.7	
TOTAL	4,782.1	3,784.8	26.4%

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