PR Newswire/Les Echos/
                          ?                     Geodis' shares delisted from Euronext Paris
                                        on 8 August 2008

                                                              Clichy, 13 August 2008

Following completion of the squeeze-out procedure ( notice 208C1469 issued by 
France' securities regulator, AMF, on 31 July 2008), Geodis' shares were 
delisted from compartment B of the Euronext Paris stock exchange on 8 August 
2008 and are no longer publicly traded.

As a result, and in compliance with the AMF's General Regulations, Geodis today 
published a notice of its delisting in France's legal gazette BALO.

Geodis, one of Europe's leading logistics companies.
2007 revenue: €4.8 billion.
25,500 employees.
A network spanning 120 countries.

Contact: Véronique Piegts
7/9, allées de l'Europe - 92615 Clichy Cedex
Phone: + 33 (0)1 56 76 27 05 - Fax: + 33(0) 1 56 76 26 34

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