Gatling Exploration Inc. reported that drilling has extended the Bear deposit by 500 meters up plunge from its main body of mineralization and by nearly one kilometer to the west near surface. Drill hole GTR19023 intersected 11.2 g/t Au over 5.0 meters while hole GTR19022 encountered 8.3 g/t Au over 2.0 meters and 5.1 g/t Au over 3.0 meters within 150 meters of surface. Deposit Extended by Large Step Out: The Bear deposit - one of three gold deposits at Larder - has been extended 750 meters west and 500 meters up plunge by hole GTR19 023. Continuity and HighGrade Mineralization Between Deposits: Holes GTR19023 and GTR19022 were drilled between the Bear and Cheminis deposits. Excellent widths and grades were encountered in this important target area, which has little to no past drill information. Drill Results Indicate Mineralization Extends Up Plunge Much Closer to Surface. Previous operators had interpreted that the Bear Lake Fault offset the upper limits of the Bear deposit. This new drilling demonstrates that while the fault does exist, there is little to no offset and that mineralization can be accurately projected up plunge towards surface. Further assay results are anticipated for drilling completed at near surface targets at Cheminis and Fernland zone extensions. Drilling continues to focus on proving that mineralization between the Fernland, Cheminis and Bear deposits are part of a continuous, multilens system with a strike length greater than four kilometers.