FTI Consulting, Inc. announced that its Ringtail business has released version 9.4 of its e-discovery software, which is available to law firms, corporations and government agencies via Software as a Service (SaaS), on-premise license and the Ringtail partner network. This release continues the evolution of Ringtail from a proprietary software application to a documented extensible platform. It includes the licensable Ringtail Software Development Kit (SDK), which enables partners and clients to build platform extensions. The SDK, which includes documentation, training and optional support from the Ringtail team, is comprised of three elements that enable developers to write applications: The Ringtail Connect API allows legal teams to create custom reports by pulling data from a Ringtail case or across cases and automate multi-step operations such as creating cases, adding users and generating review team assignments; Ringtail Data Models facilitate the creation of data structures for knowledge management applications such as custodian media tracking, issue and fact chronologies, Freedom of Information Act request tracking and fulfillment, and task management; Ringtail User Interface Extensions enable the creation and display of custom “panes” inside review workspaces, the case home screen and the organization portal. In addition to the new SDK, Ringtail version 9.4 includes several advancements designed to improve the speed and efficiency of early case assessment, document review and case management, including: Mac-compatible document review: The newly integrated Microsoft Office Online Viewer means legal teams can now search, review and code documents from any HTML5-compliant browser – including Safari; Customizable browse panels: Users can now configure Ringtail’s browse panel to display only those facets and metadata elements that are necessary to the review or investigation at hand. Newly available facets include people, organizations – including domain names – document types and picklists; Improved document imaging: Document imaging is now integrated into the Ringtail Processing Framework, improving speed and reliability while providing real-time error handling and additional imaging options; New export options: Ringtail users can generate exports directly from a search result list alongside predefined coding reports.