Form 604

Corporations Act 2001

Section 6718

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

604 page 112 15 July 200i

k Company Name/Scheme

ACNIARSN A .c. rJ . O'H, s 2 l 5 3 2

1. Details of substantial ho!der(1)


ACNIARSN (if applicable) fl .C.1'! .

Tnere was a change m the 1n1erests of Liie

subs!anFa! holder on 1"11 I 1 11

Tne prev ous nolice was given to the company ori Tne prev,ous nct,ce was dated

  1. Previous and present voting power

    ll..1 I ' ,,

    11._,_, , 11


    Tne total riumoer of votes attached to a!i the voting shares m tne company or votirg 1terests in the scheme :hat the substana! hclder or an associate (2) nae a re'evarn Tteres: 3)i

    ir. when last reqtned, and when now required, to gNe a substantial holding notice to the comoariy er scheme. are as fo::ows ·

    Class of securnies (4}


    Previous ncice

    Present noce



    Person's votes :

    Vot,no pov,·er (5)

    I Perso11's vote Vot:ng power 15)


  2. Changes in relevant interests

    Part1cu1ars of each change in, er change 1n the m;:llre of, a re·ev;:mt •r.terest cf the substantial ho!der or an associate 1ri vot,ng secu'1t es cf tne company or scheme swce :re substantial ho'der w·as fast req1f red to a substantial hc'd:ng not,ce to the ccrrpany a, scr•erre are as fo!io1.s

    Oa:e of


    Person \hose re!evant m!erest

    I ature of

    I cnange (6)

    : Cors1derat1cn

    i given in re:at,cn

    ' Class and nvnber of

    Person's O'.ES [


    to charge 17)


    • affected

    ----····--- . ---- . --- ' ·--- ------ -------,




  3. Present relevant interests

    Particulars of each re!evant interest of substan:Jai ho!der ;n votirg secun!ies after the change are as fo!'mvs


    Holder of Reg1sterea i Person entitled Nature cf Class and Perso!''s vote,s I

    relevant ho'der of

    interest securties


    lo be reg,stered relevant nJrnber of

    as ho1aer {8} interest(6) securities

    1 '( zo

    1. dove !M !F.a '.l. AdwE


      I I

      I I I I I LI:tL t iz•,l'lt,11. 21, "11?,1l.1I

      . 6J.NtF/ A L I(4o .5:'I 0 ..)

      I /::!D L. Oe I I

      604 page 212 15 Ju:y 2001

    2. Changes in association

      The persons v,ho have become associates (2) of, ceased to be assoc,ates ct or have changed the nature of their assoc:at1on (9) with, the substantial holder m re!a!ton to votmg

      interests 1n the company or scheme arc as fol!cws·

      Name and ACN!ARSN {if appbcab!e) Nature of associaL:in ·-

      LM_/_A -- · J

    3. Addresses
    4. The addresses of oersons named in this form are as follows·

      LLNa m ,'-------------'-- Aadres,- --------------------------J

      Lf vl:L 11 j 2 (?Ll &H S: 'ci:T; S''I D N E"i NS W 2 000


      pnot name _ _f,,'-t'1"''-f'-1' _NcG,

      sign here


      "_P_'"'_Y _l)J R_ E " c-_ro__,l'-s'=[ C l:'f A_ l_,

      date ,i I ,..,


      1. If :here are a number of substantial holders w:th similar or re1ated relevant mteres!s (eg, a corporation and its related corporat1ons, or the manager and trustee of an ec;u·ty trus!), ti'e names could be included in an annexure lo the form. lf the relevant interests of a groilp of persons are essentially similar, they may be referred to

        ;nroughou! the form as a spec1fica:1,,named group 11the membership of each group, w:th the names a:10 addresses of members 1s c1early set out in paragraph 6 of :ne


      2. See the defin tmn of "associate" 1 section 9 of the Corporal ons Act 2001.

      3. See the defin tion or "relevant interest' in sect·ons 608 and 6718(7) of !he Corporations Act 2001

      4. Tre vot-ng shares of a company consMute ore class uniess d1viced mlo separate ciasses

      5. TJ·e person's vo:es divided by ti1e total vo:es 1n tl•e b:idy corporate or scf.eme mulJpiied by 100

      6. !nc:ude deta !s of

        (al any re1evant agreement or clhe· c:rcllmsta:ices because of ',n ch the cf'arige m re1e·.-ar! ,n:erest o::cvred if subsecton 67'8{4) app·.es, a copy cf any Cocrnrent setting out the terms of any relevant ag0eemen!, and a statement by the person giving 11.i!i and accurate de!a:ls of any contract. scher',e or arrangemem ml!sl accompany this fonn. togeU1er 1•.1h a written statement ce1fymg th s contract, scheme er arrangement and

        (O) any quat:fication of the power oia person :a exercise, control the exercise of, or m'.!uerce the exerc·se of, the votmg powers or d,spo-sal of the se::,mt1es to which the relevant mterest relates (1r.dica!ing dearly the par1icu!ar secuntfes to which the qual1f,cat,on appEes)

        See tr.e def.nit-on of ''relevant agreement" in section 9 of the Corpora!!ons Ac: 200t

      7. Deta,!s oi tne consideration must include any and all benefits, money and other, that any person from whom a relevant ir.terest was acquired has, or may, becorri'e

      entitled to receive in relation to that acquis:t.ion. Details must be included even 1f the benefit rs co11d1Lcnal on the happening or net of a coril·ngen::y Oeta !s rnust t:e mcluded cf any benefit paid en behalf of the substanhol holder er its associate m relation to the ac-qu1s·t1cns. even 1i tney are net pa·d direcliy to the person from ','

      {BJ lf the substar!!ai holder is unable 10 determ:ne the identity of the person (eg if the re!evarit /1terest arises beCEuse cf an optrnn) \

      (9) G,1e detcii'.s, 1f appropnate, of tno present asscc:alion and any change m that association smce the last substantwl ho!aing no:ice.


      Shares acquired on market since last Notice:

      Date of Change

      Person whose relevant interest changed

      Nature of change

      Consideration given in relation to change

      Class and number of securities affected

      Persons votes affected



      On Market Purchase

      $0.20 per share





      On Market Purchase

      $0.20 per share






      Shares acquired pursuant to Off M arket Offer under Replacem ent Bidder's Statem ent dated 21 December 2016 since last Notice:

      Date of Change

      Person whose relevant interest changed

      Nature of change

      Consideration given in relation to change

      Class and number of securities affected

      Persons votes affected



      Increase in

      $0.20 per share



      relevant interest

      being the Offer

      as a result of

      Price under the

      acceptances of

      Takeover Offer

      Fitzroy's takeover

      off under the



      Statement dated


      (Takeover Offer)




    Fitzroy River Corporation Ltd. published this content on 18 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
    Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 19 January 2017 07:36:07 UTC.

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