FIBRIA CELULOSE S.A. Publicly-Held Company Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ/MF): 60.643.228/0001-21 Company Registry (NIRE): 35.300.022.807 NOTICE TO THE MARKET FIBRIA CELULOSE S.A., (BM&FBOVESPA: FIBR3 | NYSE:FBR) ("Fibria" or "Company"), continuing with the feasibility studies for the expansion of its plant in Três Lagoas (Mato Grosso do Sul State), hereby announces that, this Monday (January 13,

2014), it met with approximately 150 representatives of the main 36 equipment suppliers companies of the pulp industry in the interior of São Paulo state. The idea behind the meeting was to invite them to participate in the detailing stage of the project, which should be submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors by the end of the first half of this year.
Fibria's new pulp line in Três Lagoas, which already have environmental licensing, and, if installed, will have a capacity 1.75 million tons per year, raising the unit's total production capacity to 3.05 million tons per year and making it the largest pulp industrial unit in the world. In 2009, Fibria installed its first production line in the region, with an annual capacity of 1.3 million tons, pioneering operations in the city, which is now considered the pulp capital of the world. The company already has great part of the wood supply needed for the new plant operations.
Fibria, which focuses on disciplined growth, is making every effort to take advantage of a window of opportunity for the start-up of its new pulp capacity. The Company is preparing for the new line to begin operations at the end of the fourth quarter of 2016. Fibria has extensive experience in project management of implementing pulp plants, which results in the efficient management of suppliers, contracts, costs and schedule.
São Paulo, January 13, 2014.

FIBRIA CELULOSE S.A. Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer
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