Express, Inc. announced that it will close 100 stores - none in central Ohio - and initiate an $80 million cost-saving program as part of an effort to boost profit. These moves are designed to improve sales and increase margins, as well as cut costs. The company said it will close 100 stores by 2022, including those closed in 2019. Thirty-one of those will be by the end of next week and 35 more by the end of January 2021. The retailer currently has about 600 stores. The closings will reduce sales by $90 million by 2022, but the retailer expects that will be offset by eliminating the costs of running the stores while increasing sales at the remaining stores and online. Of the $80 million in savings, $55 million will come primarily from the job cuts that Express said last week will be made at its Columbus headquarters and its design studio in New York City. The cuts will amount to about 10% of the workforce at those locations, counting positions that are open and won't be filled.