Esports Entertainment Group, Inc. announced the signing of an Affiliate Marketing Agreement with GOLeague Int. Gaming. GOLeague is working with on an exclusive basis for the following reasons: The P2P model is much more attractive because an esports fan always wins, as opposed to a "house" model where odds are heavily stacked against fans. is the first and most transparent esports bet exchange as a result of Esports Entertainment Group being a fully reporting SEC issuer in the United States. Player safety features built into create a fun but responsible esports betting experience for fans. For example, players must choose their maximum bet amounts when they initially sign up with Any subsequent increase to those levels requires a 30 day cooling off period to make sure players do not get carried away. The recent addition of pool betting is a further extension of the P2P model, which allows groups of opposing fans to wager against each other when their teams go head to head. Given the fact some esports fans bet on esports, GOLeague users will be provided with a safe platform that also supports the organization.