The Management Board of ENEA S. A reported that on 7 January 2021 the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting adopted a resolution by the power of which Dorota Szymanek was appointed to the ENEA S.A. Supervisory Board of the tenth term of office. Dorota Szymanek has extensive professional experience in the field of financial law. In 1998-2006, she worked in the Department of Indirect Taxes at the Ministry of Finance. In 2006-2009, she served as a counsel for the Office of the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland. Since 2009, she has worked for the National Bank of Poland - initially as Deputy Director of the Legal Department, and since 2016 as Director of the Legal Department. Since 2010, she has been a member of the Legal Committee at the EuropeanCentral Bank. Since 2016, she has served as Vice-Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of the Central Securities Depository. She has conducted numerous training courses for statutory auditors and accountants in the fields of tax law and financial law. She has participated in a number of domestic and international training courses and conferences (Federal Reserve Bank in New York, Federal Reserve Board, World Bank, International Swaps and Derivatives Association) in the fields of financial law and trading in financial instruments and securities.