Press  release  from  Emotra  AB  (publ)  
Göteborg,  March  27,  2015  

EDOR  at  international  conventions  

Emotra's method for assessing suicide risk, EDOR, is being presented at more and more scientific conventions across Europe. We will be carrying out a number of activities, seminars, workshops and poster presentations at the European Psychiatric Association's global convention, which will take place on March 28-31, 2015, in Vienna. In the past week, Professor Marco Sarchiapone has presented EDOR at large national psychiatric conventions in Romania and Israel. Lars-­‐Håkan Thorell and Marco Sarchiapone will be making further appearances at a number of conventions later this year.

Emotra's  CEO,  Claes  Holmberg,  our  Chief  of  Research  and  the  inventor  of  the  EDOR  method,  Lars-­‐Håkan  Thorell,  as  well  as  Professor  Marco  Sarchiapone  will  be  participating  in  a  number  of  events  at  the  Vienna  convention.  The  convention  will  also  feature  a  seminar  dedicated  to  EDOR.  The  method  will  be  presented  in  a  workshop  where  future  business  opportunities  in  the  psychiatric  field  will  also  be  discussed.  Furthermore,  we  will  be  displaying  posters  about  EDOR  and  the  goals  of  our  ongoing  multi-­‐centre  study.  We  are  not  able  to  present  any  results  yet,  since  all  tested  patients  need  to  be  monitored  for  a  full  year  after  initial  testing.

We  will,  however,  underscore  the  fact  that  the  number  of  reported  tests  has  increased  dramatically.  After  our  problems  transferring  EDOR  test  data  last  autumn,  our  data  reporting  is  now  in  pace  with  Emotra's  and  all  of  the  collaborating  clinics'  expectations.  So  far,  170  patients  have  been  tested;  140  of  these  in  the  last  5  weeks.  The  inflow  of  new  tests  is  now  working  as  planned.  Several  of  the  clinics  participating  in  our  multi-­‐centre  study  will  also  be  present  at  the  Vienna  convention.  All  of  these  clinics  will  be  participating  in  an  evening  work  meeting  hosted  by  Emotra.  

These  clinics  are  very  dedicated  to  our  cause,  and  our  relationship  with  these  clinics  is  very  good.  They  all  maintain  that  the  method  is  easy  to  use  and,  once  last  autumn's  data  transfer  problems  were  resolved,  easy  to  get  started  with,  and  neither  the  testers  nor  the  participants  themselves  perceive  these  tests  as  cumbersome  or  time-­‐consuming.  

For further information, please contact: Claes Holmberg, CEO, telephone: +46 708 25 45 47, E-­‐mail:

Emotra ABis listed on AktieTorget and the company has developed a method - EDOR - of detecting depressed patients who are at risk of committing suicide. Altogether, more than 1,000 patients have been tested and followed up. EDOR has shown a reliability rate of up to 97%. In other words, Emotra's method can determine, with 97% certainty, if a person runs a significantly higher risk of suicide attempt, facilitating decisions about where special suicide prevention measures are

needed. EDOR helps the right patients get the care they need.

Emotra  AB  (publ),  Göteborgsvägen  74,  SE-­‐433  63  Sävedalen,  Sweden  Tel:  +46  708  25  45  47,

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