Ehave, Inc. (the Company) announced plans to launch brain mapping ketamine clinical trials using Brain Scientific technology later this year. The clinical trial will establish the statistical correlation between the ketamine treatment and patient improvement from the disorders. The trial, which is designed to enroll 35 patients, is expected to start in the second half of 2021. Ehave is currently completing the necessary preclinical studies necessary to begin enrolling patients in the trial. The average drop out ratio of clinical trials is around 15 % and Ehave will need at least 25-30 patients’ egg data to establish statistical significance of the efficacy of the ketamine over the indication, such as PTSD and Major Refractory Depression. Ehave will partner with Brain Scientific Inc. to leverage both data and AI to correlate biomarkers for the Identification of Chronic pain, Depression (major and persistent), PTSD, Bipolar disorder, General anxiety, ADHD and Schizophrenia. The two companies will collaborate to exploit graph based AI, linked data protocols with respect to such AI and leverage such data and AI to develop neural net algorithms. Ketamine has been used in the past to reduce the amount of potentially addictive pain medication required after certain medical procedures, but it is now being studied as a treatment for major depression, though it has not yet been approved by the FDA to treat depression.