Econet Wireless closed 2013 on high note by scooping a premier international gong during the Capital Finance International ( Awards, being named the Best Telecoms Service and Solutions provider.
The Award programmes identifies individuals and organisations that truly add value and contribute to global progress. The idea behind the awards is to demonstrate through these programmes the many ways in which the economies of the world are converging.
The mobile telecommunications company received recognition for bringing efficient and affordable communications that are transforming lives and creating exiting opportunities for the people of Africa.
A comment on the website said: "We ( are recognizing a corporate culture of innovation that helps people find a more satisfying lifestyle. The panel applauds the work of Econet Wireless in the strong belief that this company is truly making a real contribution to the quality of life in many parts of Africa."
The prestigious international award is in line with Econet's motto "Inspired to Change Your World" which demonstrates the commitment of Econet's founder, its management and staff to bringing about positive change in the communities in which the company operates.
The Econet Wireless group has successfully positioned itself as a global player that inspires change wherever it operates around the world. It has set itself apart by ensuring that its business impacts positively on those it serves. Econet has introduced projects that enhance its relevance to communities. These projects include the Energize the Chain, The Fisherman project, and the Green Kiosk concept, programmes that target the improvement of health delivery, trade and empowerment in communities.
Energize the Chain uses power generated at cell phone tower sites to run vaccine refrigerators in remote areas. The Fishermen campaign is designed to transform fishing communities from centres of small informal fish trade into small to medium businesses through the use of a cocktail of Econet products and services, among them the solar lantern, mobile internet access and EcoCash. The Green Kiosk Initiative is an environmentally friendly and resource efficient approach to business that champions employment creation, social upliftment and empowerment of ordinary people.
Group Chairperson Dr. Strive Masiyiwa is on record encouraging people to "Just add a little innovation, to what you do best".
Econet Wireless continues to focus on harnessing mobile technology innovation to improve the livelihoods of the people it serves.

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