Eagle Graphite Incorporated provided an update to shareholders and stakeholders as to its progress and plans with respect to the ongoing graphite usage study. During this part of the study, a series of processing steps isolated several different outputs. Each output has distinct characteristics determining its suitability for a specific set of high value applications. Common to all outputs, apart from removed impurities, is a very high purity level at or above 99.98% wtC. Careful measurements of input and output masses at each processing stage allowed for accurate estimates of proportions available to each family of applications. For lithium-ion battery anodes, current industry practice is to mill and spheronize graphite concentrate prior to purification with hydrofluoric acid (HF). Typical yield of anode graphite from this process is 35%, with the remaining graphite relegated to low value markets such as pencils and carbon raisers. The process applied to Black Crystal confers significant advantages. The processing stream that can be applied to graphite from Black Crystal for lithium-ion anode graphite yields quantities within battery specifications that are substantially higher than industry standard (53% vs. 35%). Further, the non-HF process preserves most of the remaining graphite as high purity material suitable for other premium applications.