Dotz Nano Limited (Dotz or the Company) has appointed Guy Khavia as Chief Financial Officer, effective 17 March 2022. Mr. Khavia brings more than 20 years' experience to the role including 11 as regional CFO at Amplifon SpA. He has also worked as a CFO and senior consultant at global technology and commercial companies including Pagaya Technologies and Classic Air Group and at KPMG and BDO.

Guy's appointment to the full-time role is in line with the growth of Dotz, given the Company's requirements have increased as the growth strategy has been executed. Previously, the CFO role was being undertaken by Tomer Segev on a part-time basis. The resignation of Tomer Segev, its long-term part-time CFO, has enabled them to now engage a new full-time CFO in Guy.

Tomer is working with Guy to ensure a smooth handover, and he departs with the board's appreciation for a job well done.