Coding and marking specialist Domino Printing Sciences will be addressing line and coding efficiency at Pharmapack 2015 as manufacturers prepare for the European Union's forthcoming Falsified Medicines Directive. Despite the deadline for compliance recently extending from 2017 to 2018, manufacturers have only three years to implement systems that will ensure they can continue to sell prescription and some over-the-counter medicines within the European market, by creating and printing unique, non-predictive serialised codes on each pack.

As manufacturers are now implementing pilot projects to prepare for the legislation, Domino's EU Life Sciences sector manager Bart Vansteenkiste will be advising on how coding equipment can have a positive effect on Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) through equipment availability, performance and quality. Vansteenkiste will also be looking ahead at the future of coding, as legislative requirements continue to evolve.

"As the industry moves from batch to item-level serialisation, line efficiency is of the upmost importance to manufacturers as they continue the task of implementing complex serialisation systems to their lines," says Vansteenkiste. "The finalised delegated acts that include the products that must comply are due to be published by the end of this year, but over 60 per cent of pharmaceutical companies have already started implementing pilot projects. These manufacturers are aware of how serialisation could potentially affect OEE, through downtime or reworking for example. But with the right kind of coding equipment, OEE can be maintained and potentially increases through faster line speeds and enhanced print quality.

"Our visitors at Pharmapack 2015 will be able to take away practical advice on how to combat the efficiency issues surrounding compliance solutions, and hear key learnings from our customers' pilot projects for the benefit of their own serialisation applications."

Visitors to the Domino stand (926) at Pharmapack 2015 will learn more about Domino's latest coding technologies for a range of requirements. These include its D- and F-Series scribing and fibre lasers, suitable for superior quality and high reliability coding, the G-Series thermal ink-jet printer for fast production environments and the thermal transfer overprint coder for printing onto flexible packaging films and labels. Domino's secondary solutions include the corner-wrap print and apply labeller, which is suitable for aggregation. Delegates will also be able to find out more about Domino's Partner Programme, which offers compatible software solutions from Domino and its partnering Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for mass serialisation.

Bart Vansteenkiste will be presenting at the Pharmapack's Serialisation Track & Trace Symposium on the 11th February, entitled 'Practical advice for long term solution stability'.  

Posted on Thursday 29 January 2015
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