Singapore-based DBS Bank is preparing for a post-pandemic transformation by moving to a hybrid remote/office model and focusing on training employees in areas such as design thinking, data and analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and agile practices. It is also reconfiguring the workplace environment to enable greater collaboration, beginning with the launch of a 5000-square foot 'Living Lab' that aims to blend the best of physical and virtual working practices, according to a reportin Finextra.

Six months ago, the bank organized a 'Future of Work Taskforce"to gain a deeper understanding of the remote office lifestyle. It discovered that over four out of five of the bank's 29,000-strong workforce are able to work seamlessly remotely, however, close to 3,000 employees preferred hybrid work arrangements over a pure 'remote work' or 'work in office' approach.

To meet the needs of its employees, the bank is giving them the flexibility to work remotely up to 40% of the time and is introducing a job-sharing scheme and more part-time work arrangements, building on the ability to operate successfully in split teams over the past few months.

The operating model will also undergo a transformation as well, characterized not by conventional functional departments but by project-specific data-driven 'squads' formed with members from different functions and relevant areas of expertise. DBS has also committed to retrain 7200 employees, providing them with new skillsets across a range of emerging technologies.

"We are prepared to radically transform the way we work by introducing a comprehensive range of measures which include implementing a permanent hybrid work model, flexible work arrangements and deploying more agile squads while creating workspaces that will help to supercharge ideation and collaboration," Piyush Gupta, CEO for DBS said in the report. "By implementing these measures, we believe that Team DBS will emerge as a confident future-ready workforce."

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